All Factoreal course plans. Find what best fits you and contact for program details and more information.
6-Session program to brush up on the most essential concepts for technical interviews with a FANG engineer.
- Best for almost prepared candidates
- Brush up on the most challenging CS areas
- Talk to real experienced FANG engineers
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12-Session ultimate course to cover all important areas of CS with a FANG engineer and be fully prepared for technical interviews.
- Cover every corner of CS from basics to advanced
- Perfect addition to your current level of study
- Pair-Program with expert engineers
- Mock interviews with FANG engineers
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2-Session career growth technical talk with a FANG expert in the field.
- Career Dev. discussion with experts
- Best for engineers who are looking to grow
- Prepare for behavioral questions and career decision making
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* Satisfaction gauranteed. Fees are fully refundable if not satisfied. Contact for terms and more details.